Ivanka’s Library Tweet Inspires Uproar
It's not often that the subject of the National Library Week inspires such social media uproar. But, take a look...
It's not often that the subject of the National Library Week inspires such social media uproar. But, take a look...
Yes, you probably already know that Joe Biden is an author, along with his wife, Jill. Promises to Keep was...
You had to know this was coming: No Is Not Enough. And, of course, this latest book by Naomi Klein...
By now, you've probably seen that there's a new tell-all bestseller just released about Prince Charles and our ever-beloved Princess...
You're probably familiar with the infamous advice for young writers, On Writing, by Stephen King. And, you may be familiar...
With the recent launch of the Belletrist Book Club, you've gotta love that we're taking a closer look at all...
You may have already discovered that stories of "everyman" often become the greatest classics of all time. But, the publishing...
Against a backdrop of the infamous Industrial Revolution, with all its purported social and cultural advancements, the masses of poor...
Santa's Husband, by Daniel Kibblesmith, hasn't even been published yet, but it's already causing a stir. Kibblesmith is a staff...
If you love reading and book, there's a slightly better than average chance that you also love words and dictionaries....
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