The Passing of ‘The Field of Dreams’ Author WP Kinsella
Although he wrote more than 30 books (fiction, nonfiction and poetry), we probably remember WP Kinsella best for Shoeless Joe,...
Although he wrote more than 30 books (fiction, nonfiction and poetry), we probably remember WP Kinsella best for Shoeless Joe,...
In a world of constant flux, one truth remains steadfast: everything changes. This reality can be both exhilarating and terrifying,...
Like so many famous writers, Leo Tolstoy used the real-life experience in his infamous novel, Anna Karenina. Tolstoy arrived at...
Paula Brackston’s debut novel, The Witch’s Daughter, weaves a captivating tale of magic, time, and the enduring human spirit. This...
J.K. Rowling makes international news every time she lambasts Donald Trump with another one of her eloquent, spot-on quips. Of...
The Author and His Era F. Scott Fitzgerald, one of America’s most celebrated authors, didn’t just write about the Jazz...
I love night! There's something about the play of light and shadows--the sometimes almost-perfect silence... until the crickets start their...
That mischievous little monkey who continually gets himself into trouble is turning 75 this years. It's Curious George, first created...
Beyond simple education and adventure, reading has so many life-long benefits for us -- no matter what our age(s) or...
In the maelstrom of the Harry Potter mania, 20 years have nearly passed us by... Yep, J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter...
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