The Grand Experiment: A Remembered Experience
Do you ever find yourself looking through past posts? I was looking back through what I'd written, from several years...
Do you ever find yourself looking through past posts? I was looking back through what I'd written, from several years...
Budget cuts brought on by ongoing fiscal woes are just one of the many factors that have caused more libraries...
We've all loved Harry Potter, since the day he first arrived on the literary scene. For evidence, you've but to...
It's not a novel, but Harry Potter fans aren't particularly picky at this point. We just want to tap in...
Charlotte Bronte (represented by The Bronte Society) is making headlines again with a newly discovered literary treasure. Unfortunately, it's not...
Edith Wharton was a New Yorker, a fact that was very evident in her novels. The sense of place is...
Yes, you'll be drawn into the exploits of Cash in Escape to Ash Island, by J.H. Lucas. His journey features...
Harry Potter: The Sorcerer’s Stone “It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.” –The Sorcerer’s Stone “Fear...
The 4th of July is always a fun time, with good food, friends and family -- with the added likelihood...
The passing of Elie Wiesel struck me cold. Yes, we've read his works. Yes, we've written about him. Then, too,...
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