What is it with reading and writing?
I find myself getting into more and more debates related to our education system-particularly related to reading and writing. We're...
I find myself getting into more and more debates related to our education system-particularly related to reading and writing. We're...
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, by Betty Smith, fell into my hands at a time when I needed it most...
Have you ever picked up a book that seemed to speak directly to your soul? For many of us, The...
Do you remember a time when you could just curl up with a book and read a book--without worrying about...
As I think (and write) about my favorite books, my memories of reading, and how all of that has affected...
I grew up on stories and legends. I remember the well-worn book of fairy tales that I kept under my...
The Little House series, from Laura Ingalls Wilder, is one of the most memorable bookish experiences in my life. My...
It's Day 2 of the 31 Days Writing Challenge... Here's one book that has quickly become an absolute favorite in our...
Books have always been an important part of my life, so for the 31 days of October, I'll be writing...
I've always loved the fall months of the year. The last day of September and the onslaught of October days...
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