A Day to Be Eliza Doolittle in Literature

Eliza Doolittle by George Luks 1908

Eliza Doolittle by George Luks 1908


Do you remember the first time you read George Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion? Perhaps, like me, you too were just out of high school, taking a Theater Appreciation course. Pygmalion paired well with Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House, Tennessee Williams’ The Glass Menagerie, and many other beautiful plays.

From that play, Eliza Doolittle is front and center in our thoughts. She’s introduced as “not at all a romantic figure,” but she soon steals our hearts. We watch her transform from an ugly street urchin to a beautiful lady of class and refinement. But there’s also a very Faustian bargain in play. It was a deliberate bet, designed to prove a point — that  Professor Henry Higgins could take the lowliest human being and transform her. He’d promised that he could improve her speech enough so that she’d be recognized as a duchess at an ambassador’s garden party.

It was no easy task, but Higgins In true Cinderella fashion, she comes into her own, falls in love, and becomes a “pillar of strength”. She’d wanted human kindness. Instead, she was a plaything, a statue to be molded into the facade of a “perfect” woman, — fit, even, for a king.

Retake on Mythic Pygmalion

In ancient Greek myth (Ovid’s Metamorphoses), Pygmalion was a Cypriot sculptor who falls in love with the statue of a woman he’d created out of ivory. Pygmalion offered tribute to Aphrodite, and then wished for a bride, who was “the living likeness of my ivory girl.” Of course, the goddess heard his prayer, and granted his wish.

Far from being made of ivory, Eliza is simply a flower girl — never expected to amount to much. In the end, though, she shows her inner strength, and she re-writes her own story — perhaps not in how we would have imagined, but certainly a metamorphosis that’s striking and unforgettable.

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