Pros and Cons of Volunteer Libraries




Budget cuts brought on by ongoing fiscal woes are just one of the many factors that have caused more libraries to be forced to rely more on volunteers than ever before. It’s a trend that’s being seen not only in the US, but also in the UK and other countries.

While we can lament the reasons for such drastic measures to be taken, we can certainly understand the reasons, even when we don’t agree with the underlying causes. As readers, libraries are at the very core of ideas and independent thought. Hopefully, you’re still among the readers who’ve grown up with a library card always near-at-hand, and those trips have always been a favorite destination. Perhaps you even have fond memories of the library books you read (and loved) over the years.

There may be nothing we can do to stop the trend, but we can certainly discuss why it’s a good thing, and a bad thing — for us, for our kids, and also for future generations.



On the one hand, we could (and should) say that we should SAVE LIBRARIES — no matter what, at any cost. At the same time, it’s clear that the solutions are further undermining the role of the libraries in society.

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