Storm Swirling – Disasters and Other Literary Events


“The Storm,” by Kate Chopin, revolves around an illicit rendezvous between two former lovers: Calixta and Alcee. It was unplanned, unexpected, and (purely?) accidental as they seek shelter from the storm.

They flee inside, seeking refuge in the home that Calixta shares with her husband and 4-year-old son, as the storm descends in all its fury. There, they are inundated by the power of the storm, but also with the memories of their former relationship.

“The playing of the lightning was incessant. A bolt struck a tall chinaberry tree at the edge of the field. It filled all visible space with a blinding glare and the crash seemed to invade the very boards they stood upon.”

As the storm intensifies, so too does the emotion indoors. As Chopin says: “He looked down into her eyes and there was nothing for him to do but to gather her lips in a kiss. It reminded him of Assumption.”

In the world of Kate Chopin, this is a steamy, un-entangled romance–just a quick summer storm. “So the storm passed and every one was happy.”

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