‘A Tree Grows’ – Reading for Survival

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn - Reading

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn - Reading


A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, by Betty Smith, fell into my hands at a time when I needed it most (though I sometimes wish that I’d started reading it even sooner). It had the unique quality of making a bookish girl feel as though she’d found a new best friend (fictional though Francie Nolan obviously is).

And, I’m not the only one who has been affected by reading this book, it seems. It’s a bestseller, with 300k copies sold in just the first six weeks after being published. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn really is one of those “Books of the Century,” re-affirmed by its New York Public Library listing.

But, the story is so much more than a pop-tale of a young girl growing up in Brooklyn. Here’s how the novel struck me when I was first reading it (and upon re-reading as well):

Reading opens the world to me. It makes me believe that anything is possible… Is reading a very real part of your survival too?

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